Friendship is one virtue which surpasses all boundaries which humans have created and stands strong as a relation nurtured to be for life. It is only a true friend who accepts one as what they are and never judges them based on the artificial boundaries of high low, rich poor, caste and creed. It is the same time that a friend takes care and sees to the comfort of another and gives the best of what they can offer in whatever they have. When these two traits are seen together in a friendship, it becomes a relation which inspires one and all, just as the friendship of Shri Ram and Nishad Raj Guh.
Never forgetting each other – Shri Ram’s greatest virtue was his concern and love for his friends, no matter they were with him, or far away from him. Even though Shri Ram was in Ayodhya, he never forgot his childhood friend Nishad Raj Guh. Both Shri Ram and Nishad Raj were busy with their own lives, but never forgot each other. Even after they met after a long time, Shri Ram did not show any authority of being an emperor’s son nor did Nishad Raj treat Shri Ram as a friend who lost everything and was banished to exile. The friendship of Shri Ram and Nishad Raj Guh proves that the care and affection of a friend never fades away in time, but only grows strong.
No inequalities – Shri Ram accepts his friend’s hospitality with much warmth and affection on the banks of River Ganga. He sleeps on the bed made by leaves by Nishad Raj, eats the roots and tubers bought by him and shows to the world that a friend is the one who accepts the love of the other without judging his place in the society. Shri Ram makes Nishad Raj feel important too, when he gives the task of guarding the borders of Ayodhya as assistance to Bharat while Shri Ram is in exile. This makes Nishad Raj completely bound to the love of Shri Ram and he does his job holding it dearer than his life. The importance what Shri Ram gave to Nishad Raj is seen when after completing fourteen years of exile, he first halts at Shringaverpur, even before going back to Bharat and Ayodhya.
Understanding and Acceptance – As a friend of Shri Ram, Nishad Raj Guh understands the importance of Shri Ram earnest to keep up his father’s word. Although he initially offers Shri Ram his entire tribal kingdom and asks him to stay there for the period of exile, but with Shri Ram making him understand the importance of being truthful in all aspects, abides to his friend’s command. Although it pained to leave the trio across River Ganga, Nishad Raj Guh ferries them across and lets them leave into the interior forests of Chitrakut. He convinces Sumantr to go back to Ayodhya and be beside the ailing king and support Shri Ram. It is only a true friend who understands the mission of the other and supports him in spite of obstacles, rather than pulling them back on their journey, which Nishad Raj Guh successfully fulfils.
A simple tribesman and a emperor’s son prove that when done without any conditions, friendship
can be the most enduring friendship to be remembered forever.
(As a tribute to the memory of Shri Chandrakant Pandya who played the character of Nishad Raj Guh in Ramayan)