Bhagwan Ram as Kodandapani

In the Bhagavad Gita, Bhagwan Krishna says to Arjun that about how he stands best in all. He says that in yielding the bow, he is Bhagwan Ram as there is no other better archer than him in the three worlds. This is but, a small example of Bhagwan Ram’s valour and skill in archery.

Bhagwan Ram is none other than the incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu. He can yield no other bow, but the only one made for him. As he is born as a human incarnation, the bow has to come to him through a divine lila, and to be a part of that lila, was chosen Bhagwan Parasuram, who himself is the incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu.

When Bhagwan Ram breaks the Shiv Dhanush, the whole world is astonished and spell bound. But, Bhagwan Parashuram gets angry on Ramji as he believes that it is an offence to break the mighty bow of Bhagwan Shiv. He comes to Mithila, and challenges Ramji to yield the bow of Lord Vishnu. The bow is शारंग( Sharang) also called कोदंड (Kodand), which was made by the divine architect Viswakarma for Bhagwan Vishnu.

Bhagwan Ram smiles recognising his bow and yields it without any effort. That is when, Bhagwan Parashuram realises that Ramji is none other than Bhagwan Vishnu, and also that his role of preserving the Dharma of the three worlds ends here, and the next role is for Bhagwan Ram to play in his divine lila.

Recognising thus, he gives the Kodand to Bhagwan Ram and leaves from there. Thus, Ramji attaining his bow is henceforth called कोदण्डपाणि (Kodandpani – the one who yields the bow of Vishnu in his hand) Not only the Kodand, his arrows also yielded great power. Along with the वैष्िवास्त्र (Vaishanvastr), Bhagwan Ram and his brother Lakshman were granted with special arrows by Agastya Maha Muni which are the most powerful.

The first description of their power comes when Akampan, the commander in chief of Ravan flees back from Janasthan to Lanka, after Bhagwan Ram kills all the demons single handed. He mentions that Shri Ram’s arrows are like deadly poisonous and fast snakes which take no time in killing the enemy.

राम बाि (Ram Baan) is the signature word to describe the singular power of Shri Ram’s arrows. In the Ashokvan, Mata Sita describes the power of Shri Ram’s arrows to Ravan by saying just one arrow राम बाि, can destroy the whole clan of Ravan.

During the war at Lanka, Shri Hanuman mentions to Angad, that Bhagwan Ram’s arrows are made of iron with the vigour to cut great mountains into two. He indicates that they have the power of lightning and are equal to the Vajrayudh of Indr.

The special feature of the quiver of the arrows is that it is अक्षय (Akshay- never empty). The arrows pierce their aim, and return back to its quiver. Such is the power of the अक्षयतनु ीर (Akshay Tuneer). Once returning back, they are ready for their next task. Such are the powerful weapons, the almighty Vishnu bears as the incarnation of Bhagwan Ram. To sum up, their power is equal to a nuclear weapon of today. It was only the brothers Shri Ram and Lakshman who could bear such powerful weapons. The important lesson they teach is that although one possesses great power, it should be used only for safeguarding mankind and benefit of all, but not for selfish motives and destruction.