There is never an exact definition to define or measure success, but there are the perfect people who inspire us to walk on the path of success. By following their principles, one gets success in many ways desired. Shri Ram is one such perfect person who is not only a representation of values and virtues, but an enigma who teaches us to put the values and virtues in their proper use and achieve success in life. In today’s competitive world, Shri Ram’s values and virtues indeed help to realise the aspect that here are no secret formulas of success, but applying virtues, confidence and being good are the perfect mantras of success to all walks of people.
Equality with all
All were equal to Shri Ram and there was no differentiation by him between the high and low in the society. An employer should be able to treat all his subordinates in the same to gain their confidence. Shri Ram respected the position of Sumantr as the wise minister and friend of Ayodhya. He respected Kewat for being the boatman who helped them ferry across the river and he thanked Nishad Raj Guh for his simple hospitality in treating their hunger. Shri Ram’s affection and equality and won the confidence of all.
Facing adversities boldly
When Shri Ram had to leave for the exile, he prepared himself, Mata Sita and Lakshman to forgo their comfort zones and lifestyle of the palace and prepare for the tough life in the forest. For a good leader is always ready to come out of the comfort zone and work with his team in any adverse condition facing all of them boldly.
Not losing calm in crisis
In spite of all precautions, Mata Sita was abducted. Shri Ram, was stuck with grief, yet does not lose his calm and starts his search for Mata Sita. With a positive attitude, he searches one forest to the other and finally finds the whereabouts of Mata Sita. A good leader never loses cool and fights back the situation which in turn motivates his subordinates to work towards the goal.
Trust with a pure instinct
When Vibhishan seeks refuge, Shri Ram first listens to the counsel of all his members, and then while respecting their advice, convinces them to believe in Vibhishan. Conviction is a must quality and sometimes it gives great results when one goes with what one’s mind. By giving refuge to Vibhishan, Shri Ram permanently earns the loyalty of Vibhishan
Confidence building
Shri Ram never loses confidence in his team, even when he has no idea how to cross the mighty ocean, Later, he motivates them to build the bridge, reach Lanka and finally defeat Ravan. This is an important quality of a leader that he never loses faith in his team and with his confidence build up the confidence of the team too.
Shri Ram is the best motivation for anybody who understands that life has a purpose and that is to achieve our dreams and at the same time be human also. Being simple and having simple ideals is the most difficult thing for one to achieve, but success achieved through these valuable ideals, will be remembered and idolised forever and this what is Shri Ram has successfully proved to the entire mankind.