In the captivity of Ravan, and amongst the terrible demonesses guarding her, Mata Sita’s life was indeed turmoil yet it was the faith she had in Shri Ram which gave her strength. But, there was also a comforting lap for her who from time to time boosted Mata Sita’s morale and gave her the much needed affection as a mother to Mata Sita in the most difficult times of her life. Risking her own life, the companion who stood for Mata Sita was the demoness Trijata,
When Ravan abducts Mata Sita and keeps her captive in the Ashokvatika, all the demonesses on the orders of Ravan harass and force her to surrender to Ravan. But, Trijata unlike others gives comfort as a mother to Mata Sita and keeps motivating her that Shri Ram would definitely come to Lanka and save her from the clutches of Ravan.
During Hanuman’s quest for Mata Sita in Lanka, Trijata’s dream is the most significant one which actually makes the other demonesses realise the chaste power of Mata Sita. When Trijata explains her dream wherein she saw all the mighty warriors including Ravan succumb and only the noble Vibhishan being alive, the demonesses then realise the chastity of Mata Sita and stop threatening her. Trijata also explains to Mata Sita that this drean is a positive sign that Mata Sita would be united with Shri Ram very soon.
Trijata was the woman who always comforted Mata Sita in her grief. Apart from taking care of Mata Sita, she took all the time to give her solace and comfort as a mother. When Hanuman burns the entire city of Lanka, she fills hope in Mata Sita saying that if one Vanar could do so much harm to the city, then Ravan had no chance in front of Shri Ram and his millions of Vanar army. In the battle of Lanka, it was because of the assurance of Trijata that Mata Sita understood the sorcery tricks played by Ravan and believed in the victory of Shri Ram.
Trijata is one of the selfless trait women who put all her intellect in giving confidence and comfort to Mata Sita. She proves that Dharma can be practised even though born in a demon clan. She was the most loyal, trustworthy and confidential companion to Mata Sita and gave her all the love of a mother. Mata Sita listened to each and every event recounted by Trijata of Shri Ram’s march on Lanka with great hope and happiness. It was Trijata’s unconditional service and love for Mata Sita that helped her believe in bad times to end and good times to come. Trijata proves that a woman, that too a demoness can also play a crucial part in upholding Dharma, what matters is the intention and will to uphold it.